Friday, December 21, 2007

Singapore, baby!!

Here we go! my traditional post <....>, baby!:) all bags packed, full of excitement and really looking forward to Singapore and Malaysia!
Malaysia was very old dream of mine. I remember when during one of my firsts aiesec conferences trainee from malaysia gave one playing card in my sugar -cubes envelope. This is simple playing card with some views of Malaysia. I was having that card all the time with me in Lithunania, i had it in Belgium, and i m having it here in India. Somehow it inspires me to travel, go and explore new horizonts! and here im coming to malaysia.. 5 years ago, when i got that card it seemd so far in all meanings and almost impossible, and it's happening NOW!!!

Today I had my last working day this year. I can say I finished 2007 with Alcatel-Lucent. And it was gooooood! I am coming back to work on 7th Jan.

Once again, bags are packed, cab driver is coming in 30 min ( hopefully, because... this is India) and I am headding to the airport!:)

Singapore, Baby!
Here we come:)

Lithuania in Schengen! travelling even easier!

welcome to Lithuania, welcome to Lithuania....nananan

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas mood in Chennai

Today is 20th of December. Unbelieveble! When i look thought the window- it's the same what i saw 20th of october, 20th of August... palm trees, old watchman, auto drivers, nice and good weather:) only yesterday, when we went to one of shopping malls - spencer's plaza- there were regular amount of people, no chaos of buying presents, there were few shops decorated and that's it!!
At work we have one plastic X-mas tree, well it's not bad, but the sound it maked- it's like dying cats parade!!!! and im not exaggerate. It stays in the reception, so whenever i am passing buy im just switching off lights and that horrible sound: )

probably the most X-mas place i've seen was Sparkey'- american restaurant. oh, that place is one of the places which makes me happy here in chennai:) i know, some of my friends dont like that place, but it always makes me smile! And they had nice X-mas decorations. At home would be normal amount, here in India- it's WOW!:) well, nice!

If not constatly writing about mass crazyiness for shopping i wouldnt notice that Christmas is here:)

Haapy holidays and good luck surviving that madness:)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

rain, and about rain, what's happening when it rains?

Here we go... it's raining again! there were no real monsoon seasson here, but it comes some random depressions from the sea, i think one just came. It was pourig rain all day today, and it keeps on raining. I have a stong intension stay home, or as we say- work from home. Let's see. maybe i will feel strong duty and go to work, as i usually do, no matter how late i go to sleep, how tired after long travelling weekend or just lazy weekend, which could be tiering as well:) i go to work!
Just went to the balcony to check- the crossing is all flooded, still raining and according to the wf not gonna stop for next 3 days.

rainny days- more adventures with auto drivers. on the way back from work got really funny guy. first in the middle of the road he stoped, tured to me" no petrol, madam, aaaa"and laughing:) after this was fixed he drove me really opposite direction, my internal GPS felt that instead of going east we are going west... then he stopped and shows to some park- thiru vika park! i sayd, i need to go to thiru vika park in shenoy nagar, he inssits that's the ONE!:) lol....and the funniest thing that some random passing by guy confirms that!
when you ask indians, ask at least 3 ppl, then, carefully you can make conclusiosns. well, i ended up driving around the area, took some time, but i got home:)

recently life turned to be more static, not so much going out, travelling. Maybe having small break, maybe because of ppl set change, maybe it's just because it's "winter" here. i dont min:)
Chennai is not the city where you can just hang around on your own. Chennai is really not fun, not like BXL or some other more civilized place. Plz dont get me wrong, i like my choise, the life it's just different here. well, most of ppl come to india looking fo that difference, diversity and other things. So, i was saying, that living in chennai, you really depend on others quite alot. know that feeling when you are eatting smth and leavng the last bite for the last...and when smb taked away that last bite! Cruel!? that's the "price" you pay living with guys in a flat! that's my learing. hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

I have never ever...

.....Tried to make saltibarsciai/the pink soup in India! My try ended up success!

.......To make somebody bold! I still admire crazyness and courage of my flatmate Pasha...we started this procedure yesterday way after midnight with some cuba libre coctails on our balcony..
Crazy Russian and madam sri lanka Lithuanian..on th e way to make Pasha bold
in proccess...Result..

and had to finish this mornin because the battery of shaving machine was too low;)

Was nice Global Village event! had fun with other trainees and flatmater getting ready to show the best of our countires...besides ourselfs;)
with Laura
Shenoy Nagar Delegation in Global village: LT, RU, DK, NL

All trainees in Global Village

Friday, December 14, 2007

Plans for the holiday seasson and Birdwatching weekend

Finally it's officail!!!
15 days Singapore and Malaysia trip! I got tickets! and headding to my holiday trip next saturday!
Yeah Yeah..many exclamation marks, but I'm very excited.
I cant believe that Im going to visit Malaysia and Singapore, all the time it look ( well, it WAS) sooo far away, but now, it's just around the corner:)
We ( me and Astrid, my flatmate) first going to Singapore, there meeting Chin! I remember when we were sitting in BXL and Chin and Shinta were Asian experts and we were planing Asian discovery plans! and here we go! we both are meeting agai, in Sinagapore!
And of course, I am going to visit Kunes in Malaysia!
meanwhile my life in Chennai got more quiet. Few weeks ago we went for BIRD WATCHING weekend... yeah! The fact that we went for BIRDWATCHING still makes me laugh.
Here are some nice pictures of my flatmate Pasha.

Bird watchers

...And some birds
cute monkey eatting garbabe from the pastic bag

Shenoy Nagar family: Astrid, Pasha, Irene, Ieva and uncle Sid:)