Sunday, April 08, 2007

one more TO DO list

A list of books-every-enterpreneur-even-the-ones-who-never-take-time-to-read-must-read. Here is the top:

Small Giants-Bo Burlingham
Why? Be great by staying small shares many stories on how to build a sound business.
Mastering the Rockefeller Habits- Verne Harnish
Why? Based on a small set of simple rules all enterpreneurs should remember.
The long tail-Chris Anderson
Why? Go and do business on the Internet says Anderson.
Purple cow-Seth GodinWhy? Marketing guru Seth Godin tells how to stand out in a competitive market place.
The Google story-David Vise
Why? Google is a legendary company already, read the story.
Pour your heart into it- Howard Schultz
Why? A story how Starbucks became great
Losing my virginity-Richard Branson
Why? Well,it is Branson...
Good to great-Jim CollinsWhy? Book on how to excell
A stake in the otucome-Jack Stack
Why? How to build a culture of ownership within a company: motivating your staff

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