Monday, October 16, 2006


Well, it’s almost 2 am, it’s all packed and what else can I say- USA BABY!!! Yeah, I am taking part in Achilles Seminar on Transformation and the Transatlantic Relationship in Washington DC, organized by the Atlantic Council of the United States. I’ve seen participants list and I was nicely surprised – I am meeting some familiar faces and aenda seems to be very interesting and useful. Uh, I am really excited about upcoming week.

The weekend was very nice and calm at the same time. On Friday we had a Russian party. It was nice to meet know people and to meet some new trainees here! Well, Lithuanian golden vodka was in scope;) I was soooooooooo nicely surprised when I saw a can of KALNAPILIS ( LT beer) and half empty bottle of Sobieski su supanguolemis ( that’s another kind of LT vodka).Please note, that I was the only Lithuanian there!!! Nice surprise, uh? But I guess it’s a desertion from Vija ;)

Sat and Sund I met Dina, the Croatian girl form the last summer in Chicago! It is so great to see a part form that summer, one of my greatest summers ever! We had nice talks, nice walking, nice tea, and coronita..;) we ended up in the book fair in Brussels….well, I have to admit, I left with quit a big bag….let’s say we did some intellectual shopping;)

So, I have nothing a lot to add….just USA BABY!!!

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