Sunday, August 06, 2006

Chilling weekend

It's sunday evening...
I had nice and chilling weekend with my roommates and other trainees here. On friday we had nice dinner in cute and kind of fancy italian
restaurant with Ewa and Shinta. Yeah, we had nice occasion- it was Shinta' bithday...chilling dinner with rommates, at the beggining of weekend with nice food, nice waiters and tasetful interior. Saturday night we had dinner at the same italian place, but this time it was dinner with 35 people! It was very nice evening, Shinta was the queen of it:) I like belgium, they have many trainees or former trainees who still keep that spirit..everytime I meet some new people! It's really amazing when you, lithuanian, sitting in italian restaurant, in Belgium at the same table form Indonesia, Poland, Canada, Malasia, China!!!My dears, the world is getting smaller:)
Sunday was my show time. We arranged PINK SOUP...or saltibarsciai lunch. Haha I become famous about it, there is even mini pink soup fan club!! usually reacion is the same> we expected it is pink but it is really pink! It cant be more pink:))) I am really suprised that people dare to taste that"pink thing", actually till now only for one person was too hard to try it.
We end up lunch with ice cream ( it was gorgeous!!!) and I am finishing my chilling weekend by putting my "fresh" impressions here:)

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