Monday, October 20, 2008

me? from Ethiopia? Really?

Today we had an office dinner in one nice hotel in Chennai. There was some pretty fancy wedding going on there too! so, after dinner, while waitting for a car tu pick us up... one indian woman was standing next to me, first looking curiously then she began:
Indian woman: where are you from
Me: Lithuania
Indian woman ( looking cofused): to which country it belongs
Me: it's a country
Indian woman: what language do you speak there?
Me: Lithuanian
Indian woman: so, to which country it belongs? Egypt?
Me: No, the country is Lithuania
Indian woman looking to her daugther: aaaa, Ethiopia! she's from Ethiopia!!!!!!!!!
Me: L-I-T-H-U-A-N-I-A, it's in Europe
Indian woman:
Me ( not event starting expalining that such country does not exist for the last 20 years): yes, north of it is Poland and the L-I-T-H-U-A-N-I-A!

Lufthansian and Ethiopian my two favourites!


1 comment:

Audra said...

Oi man patinka indu geografijos zinios butu idomu ju vadovelius geografijos paskaityti :):):)

Etiopija - to dar neteko girdeti :)