Thursday, January 03, 2008

Malaysia- TODAY

Well- one more thing I can add to my "never ever tried before " list- I was riding bike, ok, to be honest scooter! firlst time in my life!
today around noon we got 2 scooties and went around the island...i was bit burned after yesterday, got more burned today..look like a toast with jam:)))lol
had great time today- saw waterfalls and were swiming in them ( not olny one!!) saw awesome sunsuet in beautiful white sand beach in the noth west of the island, just all day was very dynamic and adventures:)
have to admit- i felt down twice today: first time- making my first turn with a bike, second time runing from monkeys near waterfalls.
Plan for tomorrow- drive early in the morning on the mountaing to have breakfast there, knowing me as " a morning person"...let's see

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