Monday, November 05, 2007

Gambling weekend

Gambling be more precise -movies about gambling weekend:) First of all Casino Royale. James Bond was charming and saved the world- as usually. Then we rushed in another movie- Lucky You, if you havnt see in, congratulations, you havnt wasted two hours of your life. This movie was all about Poker with lousy love and father-son stories in the background. Since it was the last Benny' night in India, we had pretty much sleepless night with fun, talks and lot's of pictures (to make sure that no details of the puzzle are missing) and after breakfast at 6 am by flatmate Filip and sunrise ( ok, actually we didnt see it, but still nice and early morning) we went to was more than obviously that we are not going to Kanchepuram to see the temple at 8 am...LOL:)

Sunday I had probably the latest breakfast in my life- at 6 pm;) but amazing Astrid's pancackes good start of the day:)

You should've seen how suprised I was when Shyna ( my dear ex flatmate from Canada) called me and offered to "talk to somebody"... and that somebody turned to be my sister! UNBELIEVEBLE- the world is so small!
Viktorija was representing LT in GA in Canada and amazig how many my friends and ppl I know she met duering that week!

This week Diwali is coming and all Chennai is just going crazy about it! and Im enjoying this crazyness:)

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