Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Today is a goooooooooooood day!
I have decided and declared at the office that I am celebrating my fake birthday! SInce the project is over in few weeks and there will be no chance to celebrate the real one.. so why not:)

inIt's all not planned at all!!! My greek colleague Lia gave my nice butterfly pin, nice and original greek frappe, then two lunch treats, some special coffees and so on! LIfe is good!

Happy birthday (fake)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

European Commission on fire

Yesterday around lunch time European Commission was really on fire! Roof of Berlamont building was burining open fire for a while and smoke covered Schuman are. The view from my office.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mafia movies

The godfather and the Scarface- some movies I wanted to see for a long time... and finally finally finally watched it!
Yes, it's classics, yes, it's Al Pacino, and yes, it's Italian mafia movies! pretty cool! I think that's the godfather is a bit overestimated by telling that's the best ever made movie. Next on the list is La Dolce Vita...not very mafia movie though

movies time!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Paris awards

Nominations for this year Paris trip are.....

Best singer

Best food
Pizza in Montmartre

Best foreign cook
Michelin Star goes to Irene van der Craats and her support team

Best museum
The Musée du Louvre
with 35,000 objects exposition in an area of 60,600 square metres

Best drink
White wine
especially with uno session under the Eiffel tower

Best bar
Piano bar
with a singing girl ON a piano near St Michelin fountain

Best travel team
Chennai travel team
David, Irene, Rolf, Ieva

Nicest walk
Midnight walk

The randomness
The pet rat wearing a cap at the metro

The worst dancers
Just accross the Eiffel tower....

The worst singers
Immigrants on the stairs of Basilica of the Sacré Cœur

The businessman
Eiffel towers dealers on the
Basilica of the Sacré Cœur

And here is contribution from madam Irene:

Best conmen
the Sacré Coeur people

Best businessmen
Eiffel tower wine dealers

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Hard to believe

I've got my old aiesec times friend Vija visiting me in Brussels. She is a good friend of my flatmate as well...oh, yeah... aiesec connections:) Yesterday we had really fun and hard laughing night out. Besides making "with or without" party plan for June and some other travelling plans, one INCREDIBLE story happend.
Around midnight we were walking back home and saw two credit cards on the street. Being good citiznes, we picked it up and were planing to bring it to the police or bank the next day. Walking few blocks further Vija sudenly asked what was the name of the owner... some Phillipe XXX and we just passed his door!!!! So, we found the credit cards and we found the owner in the middle of the night!!!! Well, it was his office door and obviously nobody opened the door in the midnight:) so, we droped the cards in the mailbox.
I agree, there are a lot of unusual things happen to me, but this one was still something WOW!
